Lundi - Samedi de 10h à 19h
Ce casque est de conception simple mais efficace. L'effet psychologique que causait cette salade sur l'adversaire grâce au regard "deshumanisé"qu'elle renvoie en faisait un casque apprécié au 15ème siècle
Fabriqué dans un acier de 1.6mm
Taille M : 60-61cm de tour de tête
Taille L : 63-64cm de tour de tête
Between 1450 and 1500 no one went to war without wear at least one head protection, usually barbute or sallet. There were many different designs depending on the origin of the item but some, as the one shown here, had simple but effective designs. The psychological effect caused by sallets because of their "dehumanized look" was a distinctive sign on the mercenary troops which not only were appreciated by their dangerousness but also because the dangerous look. There are many designs seamless to this one shown in several museums dated mainly on the 15th century. Although all of them have visors with ventilation holes to enhance breathing in a wide range of designs, we´ve decided to maintain ours without holes to allow client customization.
Made of 1,6mm steel.
Leather chin strap included.
Size M = 60~61 cm Perimeter
Size L = 63~64 cm Perimeter
Références spécifiques
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